The Matriculation and Intermediate semester programmes offered by Allama Iqbal Open University include Matric, FA, I.COM, AD, ADE, ADC, B.ED, MA, M.SC, M.ED, MBA, and MLIS levels. The updated paper schedule is scheduled to begin in November 2023 and expire on December 31, 2023.
As a result of the Long March in Pakistan and around the world, all students are prepared to begin studying for the examination from the previous semester late. The Allama Iqbal Open University remains closed as a result of the closure of all educational activities and the release of the AIOU Revised Datesheet for the Autumn 2023 semester’s exam schedule.
The Pakistani government is currently taking steps to open all public and private schools, colleges, and institutions for students to take exams. Because of this, the open University of Allama Iqbal has also posted the most recent exam schedule online for everyone to download without charge.AIOU Date Sheet Revised Papers 2023 can be downloaded.
Revisions to the AIOU 2203 Fall Semester Date Sheet
People are concerned that the municipal elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in our country may cause delays and disruptions to the entire educational curriculum. The final autumn 2023 semester’s debut was then delayed by Allama Iqbal University.

The AIOU New Date Sheet 2023 is provided by the university for paper revision in Pakistan and abroad at a time when the disease’s spread is less severe. It’s good news that you may access the online view at any moment and download the most recent examinations. Here is the 2023 AIOU Date Sheet.
It is a fantastic opportunity for all candidates to take their tests since a new schedule has been released for everyone to read and use as a reminder of the dates, times, topic codes, and exam locations. The education centre is truly making a terrific move here for both new and ongoing students at AIOU.
2023 Date Sheet for AIOU
The students of the Allama Iqbal Open University Date Sheet have one final opportunity to submit their Allama Iqbal Open University Date sheet revised papers. Exams for the Spring 2023 semester’s revised papers continue to be held despite the lockdown and Corona Virus infection.

But the Allama Iqbal University reopened all of its campuses in the Punjabi cities of Lahore, Karachi, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, and Islamabad, as well as in the states of Sindh, Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Gilgit Baltistan, Azad, and Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
The papers for the programmes Matric, FA, I.COM, AD, ADE, ADC, B.ED, MA, M.SC, M.ED, MBA, and MLIS have recently been issued on the recently dated November 2022 AIOU Revised Date Sheet 2023. They have all been issued the papers for the autumn semester of 2023, therefore download the AIOU 2023 Revised Papers Date Sheet.
Aiou Datesheet Download
What are the AIOU cutoff scores?
The admission test has four sections, including General Awareness. Reasoning with Quantitative Ability in the English Language 50% is required to pass the admissions test.
What are the AIOU passing marks?
The entrance exam consists of four (4) sections, including General Awareness. Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning in the English Language In the admissions test, 50% is the required score.
What is the degree’s pass mark?
Pass Mark is a minimum of 40%.
What happens if a module is failed?
You might not be permitted to pursue additional research.
Does each module have to be passed?
Universities often permit students to retake failed subjects once. A student may retake the module if they don’t pass the first time. The university can declare them ineligible for the course if they also fail on their second try.