(for details se common features)
17-21 years (Rrlaxable for 3 months for lower /upper age limit
Marital Status.
. (for details se common features)
physical standards.
(for details se common features)

physical Test.
(for details se common features)
Martic / Senior Cambridge / GCE “O Level” (English being compulsory.
in five subjects for O leve ) both in science minimum 60% marks
FSc (Per Engineering ) minimum 65% marhs (including 20 marks for NCC)
and A Level
pass in mathematics phyic and chemistry in grade 1-6/A-C and an average CGPA 2.5 or 62.5% marks for student inducted as technical cadets after 4th semester onward.
Candidate with Fsc/ equivalent qualification with combination of Mathematics, physics and computer studies or computer science can apply for software Engineering and computer Engineering only
Candidates possessing qualifications such as O
and A
level will be required to obtain equivalence certificate and conversion of marks form lnter board committee chairman (IBCC) , ministry of Education islamabad and attach it with the application form
Candidatees who passed FSc, part-1 examination wiht minimum 60% marks and appearing or appeard in supplementary of FSc part-II / final examination can also apply on “HOPE CERTIFICATE” duly signed by the head of the institutions.
professonal written / Intwlligence tests will be based on multiple choice questions from English, physics, Mathematics, chemistry/computer scinces (only for computer sciences Students)
Academic. four years academic training at respective NUST collegs
Military. One year military training as PMA after obtaining Bachelor of Engineering Degree form respective institutes.
Civil Engineering Telecommunication Engineering Computer software Engineering
Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering computer system Engineering Mechatronics Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Military college of Engineering Risalpur (NUST)
Military college of signals Rawalpindi (NUST)
college of Electrical & Machanical Engineering Rawalpindi (NUST)
college of Aeronautical Engineering Risalpur (NUST)
BOND. finally selected candidates will be required to sign abond to serve the army for a minimum period of 13 years commissioned service.
STIPEND. All selected technical cadets will be given approx Rs. 50,336/- per month during their training at NUST constituent colleges /PMA.
COMMISSION. On completion of Technical Studies at concerned collge and military training at pakistan Military Academy kakul, cadets will be awarded regular commission in pakistan army as Captain
What is technical cadet course?
The Pakistan Army announces a Technical Cadet Course every year, and only men are eligible to apply for the following corps: Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (Electrical & Software Engineering), Signals (Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Security), Engineers (Civil Engineering),…
Is ISSB required for TCC?
Additional Criteria for Technical Cadet Course Selection (TCC)
Only those candidates who have been shortlisted will receive calls for the Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB) examinations via call up letters and the website. Candidates recommended by the Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB) will undergo medical examinations at local CMHs.
What is age limit ISSB?
Graduates (2 years program) having age 17 – 23 years.
How do I apply for cadet?
Kenya Cadet Application Process | Online Application Having only one citizenship, that of Kenya be between the ages of 18 and 39. should be in
possession of a Kenyan identity card. possess a degree in any pertinent discipline and a minimum mean grade of C+.
What is basic cadet training?
Basic Cadet Training is a six-week course that tests the trainees’ physical and mental stamina and is the first significant obstacle they must overcome before being accepted as academy cadets.