Latest Job NHA National Highway Authority Jobs 2023

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Date Posted08-02-2023
AddressNational Highway Authority NHA, Islamabad
No. of Posts10+
Employment TypeFull Time
Education RequirementsBachelors/Masters
Jobs LocationIslamabad
Hiring OrganizationNational Highway Authority NHA
(Last Date)20-02-2023

Jobs Description

Applications from qualified candidates on the required application form are now being accepted for NHA Jobs 2023, which have been made public through an advertisement. The qualified Male/Female candidates from all over the nation can apply for these Today Jobs in Pakistan 2023 through the organization’s established approach and can receive them following the conclusion of the recruiting process.

Latest NHA Jobs 2023 Advertisement

Name of PostQualification
Computer OperatorBachelor / Master
Latest Job NHA National Highway Authority Jobs 2023
Latest Job NHA National Highway Authority Jobs 2023
  1. The candidates must submit their applications using the template found on (
  2. Only those who have been shortlisted will be contacted for the test/interview. There will be no TAIDAs allowed in the interview. The candidates who have been invited for an interview or screening test must present their original documentation and authenticated copies of any letters of recommendation or experience certificates (s).
  3. Separate applications must be submitted for each position, and the title of the position must be stated both on the application and the envelope.
  4. Applicants who are currently employed by government organisations or departments must go via the correct channels.
  5. Applications that are not complete or are submitted after the deadline won’t be taken into consideration.
  6. The application deadline will serve as the cutoff date for establishing a candidate’s eligibility in terms of age, education, experience, and other factors.
  7. The Competent Authority reserves the right to halt the hiring process and alter the number of positions available for any position in accordance with demand at any time and without providing a justification.
  8. Within fifteen (15) days of the date this advertisement was published, applications may be filed.
  9. Last date to apply online in Ministry of Federal Education Jobs is 20 February 2023.


Is Nha a public or private entity?

The National Highway Authority (NHA) was established in 1991 by an act of the Parliament and is responsible for the planning, development, operation, maintenance, and repair of National Highways and Strategic Roads that have been specifically delegated to it by the Federal Government, a Provincial Government, or another relevant authority.

In Pakistan, how many NHA are there?
39 interstate highways
39 national highways, motorways, motorways, and vital routes totaling 12,131 km are under the care of NHA.

What are Pakistan’s four most renowned highways?

The renowned Grand Trunk Road, Indus Highway, Karakoram Highway, and Makran Coastal Highway are just a few of Pakistan’s national thoroughfares.

Which Pakistani motorway is the largest?

The N-5, Pakistan’s longest national highway, runs from Karachi through Hyderabad, Moro, and Sukkur in Sindh before crossing into Punjab province, where it travels through Multan, Sahiwal, Lahore, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Jhelum, and Rawalpindi. It is an essential north-south road artery.

What does “400 highways” mean?

In an effort to set controlled-access highways apart from the two-lane King’s Highways that already existed, the Department of Highways developed the 400-series designations in 1952. Highways 400, 401, and 402 were assigned numbers by the end of the year, however they were merely short stubs of their current lengths.


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